Sharing inspirations on Home, Travel and Fashion while solving the mysteries of each. We love to create a new fashion “look” a room redesigned or an itinerary imagined. Home travel and fashion blogger Jonelle Tannahill takes you behind the scenes to meet Innkeepers, fiber artists, fashion stylists and museum curators to give you the latest in lifestyle trends.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Make a Goal not a resolution

How many times have you heard this, “My new years resolution is…” and if you think back to what your past resolutions were, they’ve probably never followed through…
Somewhere along the way we give up. I think it’s because the word resolution indicates an abrupt change, something new and sudden, starting something we’re not accustom to. And more often than not people never stay with the resolution for the simple fact that change is hard, but sudden change is even harder.

Over the years I’ve asked my friends why they didn’t stay with their resolution and here are some of the answers I got.

• “I feel cheated”
• “It’s too tough, I just couldn’t do it.”
• “Well, I was going to do that, BUT…”
• “I was doing great until the …”
• “Well, I couldn’t because it affected the family too much”

Some of my own challenges include: The time frame is too short or there was involvement or dependency on other people or a poorly defined outcome or a vague strategy for how to get there. And nearly all my resolutions included unclear responsibility or accountability.

Most people don’t accept sudden change well and yet they make a resolution every year and set themselves up for failure, to me, resolutions are like diets, they have a beginning and an end…

But lifestyle changes are forever! I believe in having a goal because it involves lifestyle and it gives you something to work towards. Goals are about achievement, they’re about doing something new or better and they’re about improvement and accomplishment. I feel one should strive to be a goal-oriented person, because you’ll always be challenging yourself and keeping life interesting.

Here is an example of how to keep your eyes on your goal. A visual board with your goal and how you plan to achieve it.


I work toward them at my own pace and improved my life. One of my most recent goals was to stop yoyo dieting. I researched healthy choices, different diets and started eating better. I gave myself six months to lose six pounds and keep it of.
I exercised and walked regularly and watched what I ate so that I could achieve my goal AND I now know how to get back on the wagon when my weight starts to rise.
Of course, this wasn’t my only goal…I have had many. And yes some more successful than others. Below is a list of my past goals.

Top 10 Daily Goals:

1. Exercise
2. Stop Eating Out so much
3. Read More
4. Drink Water
5. Floss
6. Walk Dog Daily
7. Meditate / Pray
8. Eat Breakfast
9. keep desk clean
10. Update Blog

As for today's goals. I think I shall start working on better planning my travel. Learn to better use my frequent flyer options and plan to see much more when traveling for work. No more accidental sigh seeing, really plan venues to visit while in different cities.

I'll keep you posted on my progress. Remember this is a new goal and not a resolution. If you want to keep track of your goals online try:

Wishing you the very best in your goals. Jonelle'


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