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Monday, April 11, 2011

Cold Weather Gardening -- Guest Blogger, Jenna Strain

Gardening in Wyoming?  

You are probably laughing right off your chair -- most people here even do when I mention my plans.
It's too cold.
It's too windy.
Poor soil quality.
Too few growing days.

Lean your head over to the right to check our soon-to-be plants...
I hear all these things, yet I have decided to keep on keeping on.  Armed with styrofoam cups, crappy soil and various seed packets I have decided to give this gardening gig a whirl.  Who knows what will happen.  Yesterday (later than planned) we decided to plant our seeds.  We have garden beans, beats, tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers and squash.  We chose seeds with a growing period of 60 days or less.  We planted them in cups and have set them on our kitchen table next to the window.  We are hoping to see some sprouts in the coming weeks.  We also got onions and strawberries (frost tolerant variety), which we will plant in a month or so directly into the garden.  We are cleaning out a large planter in our backyard.  Clearing our years (and years) of neglect.  

There is a chance that nothing will grow, but we are hoping to at least have a few fresh veggies on our plates this summer.  Wish us luck!

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