Sharing inspirations on Home, Travel and Fashion while solving the mysteries of each. We love to create a new fashion “look” a room redesigned or an itinerary imagined. Home travel and fashion blogger Jonelle Tannahill takes you behind the scenes to meet Innkeepers, fiber artists, fashion stylists and museum curators to give you the latest in lifestyle trends.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Memories of favorite 4th's!

One of my favorite memories of Independence Day is the Fourth of July parade in downtown Templeton, CA. Our family participated with other locals each year. I'd get up early in the morning to gather folding chairs and a large blanket and we'd stake out our special space in the downtown park. The community lined the streets of Main Street and set up around the Community Park to mark the anniversary of our nation’s Independence. The parade has been a tradition in Templeton for more than a quarter of a century.

I loved this parade; it's very "Mayberry", with the kids on their decorated bikes, the firetruck and police cars, the homemade floats, the various scout troops of the neighborhood towns participating (and throwing candy to the kids watching), veteran's walked the edges handing out flashing American flag pins, Miss California Mid-State Fair would wave from a convertible and the families pushing their baby strollers and walking their dogs. One year we even participated in an antique white mustang convertible with daughters Jenna and Makay waving their "Miss Mid State Fair"-like wave.

er, most years we "participated" as parade watchers, we'd sit as a family and enjoy the candy thrown at us and then we'd run around the corner where the parade will pass through again. Cheating? Heck no! They need parade watchers all over the neighborhood, right? We were just filling a need. After the parade wrapped up, we headed en mass to the Templeton Community Park where our blankets and coolers and picnic baskets were set up and the celebration continued with food, iced desserts, shopping and live entertainment.

I looked forward to the "Hometown feel" of this parade every year. I think when my grand kids are a little older I will invite my family back to Templeton one 4th of July to relive this happy memory. It was just a simple celebration about the fact that we are free.


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